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Scenario analysis – The future of media

In the beginning of 2020 FMGs Head of Strategy and Innovation Jessica, Head of FMG Studio Stina and group CEO Linus got together and created five scenarios to describe the possible future of the media industry in 2030. This with the purpose of guiding the innovation work in the organization and spark creativity. 

The year is 2030 and in five different scenarios of the future we follow Fredrik during an afternoon in his life. He works at FMG, the worlds’ leading growth partner within the media industry.  

In scenario 1 “1984” one company owns everything within the media industry and there are no longer any independent journalists. Amazon, Google and Huawei have joined forces and created one big company “Humazoogle”. All journalist have been repositioned and offered training and jobs as data analysts at Humazoogle. Everyone shares their personal data with Humazoogle and thereby gets access to optimized and personalized content.

In scenario 2 “Big brother” the journalism is totally tech driven and there are reliable surveillance services that makes everyone feel secure. To avoid “fake news” all news articles have a “truth ranking” where the readers are awarded if they report fake articles. Articles are written and personalized through technical solutions. All residents’ DNA and fingerprints are registered in a data base.  

If you are interested in learning more about “1984” and “Big brother” and are curious about what happens in the other scenarios “Mad max”, “Death of intermediation” and “Citizen journalism” do not hesitate to download the full report (available in Swedish)

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